On September 10, 2020, the top manager of the Association of Private Museums of Russia Alexey Shaburov, by extraordinary invitation, visited the Lighthouse Service Museum, situated in the city of Kronstadt in suburbia of St. Petersburg. This special exhibition hall was made through the endeavors of two extraordinary characters, Vladimir Yerger and Mikhail Borodavkin. The historical center has been working since 2017 and is the main exhibition hall in Russia committed to beacons and the historical backdrop of beacons in Russia. Particularly for Alexey Shaburov, the fellow benefactor of the historical center, Vladimir Yerger, actually directed a tour of the displays of the gallery, told about the historical background of the beacon administration in Russia, demonstrated numerous uncommon lights for beacons and uncovered some fascinating realities from Russian history identified with the beacon administration.
Alexey Shaburov visited the Lighthouse Service Museum in Kronstadt