The Museum of Search Movement of Russia in the Sakhalin Region

Sakhalin region

Contact information

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Prospekt Pobedy, Building 132

Tel.: +7 (963) 289-52-38


Operating hours

Monday through Friday – 11:00 – 17:00

Saturday and Sunday – by appointment

Ticket price

Free admission

Director of the museum

Artem Nikolaevich Bandura

Founder and owner of the museum

RO OOD “Search Movement of Russia” in the Sakhalin Region



About museum

The idea of creating the museum belongs to the team of RO OOD “Search Movement of Russia” in the Sakhalin Region. The museum presents objects discovered during search expeditions in the Sakhalin Region; personal belongings of participants in the liberation of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands; armaments, ammunition, uniforms of the Red Army and the Japanese Imperial Army. For all visitors guided tours of the exhibits are conducted.

Description of the collection:

– Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905;

– Soviet-Japanese war of 1945;

– Military Air Force.