The Museum of Gramophones and Phonographs

Saint Petersburg

Contact information

Saint-Petersburg, Kamennostrovskii Prospekt, Building 32, Bolshaya Pushkarskaya, Building 47 (entrance from the Andrei Petrov Park)

Tel.: +7 (911) 700-00-40


Operating hours

10:00 – 19:00, by appointment

Ticket price

Adult – 400 rubles

Schoolchildren – 300 rubles

Founder and owner of the museum

Vladimir Ignatievich Deryabin



About museum

The idea to collect phonographs dawned upon Vladimir Ignatievich after reading the book by L. F. Volkov-Lannit “The Art of Captured Sound”. His attention was drawn by a simple sentence: “…if you create a collection of gramophones, it will be a unique asset that will gain value over time…” Vladimir acquired the first gramophone in Krasnodar, working with his circus partner on a reprise called “In the Tavern”, where a gramophone was needed. Once, walking along a private sector in one of the streets of Krasnodar, he saw an elderly man selling something near his house. Approaching him, he asked where it would be possible to get a gramophone, and it turned out that this person was just selling his gramophone from the attic. Thus began the story of this unusual collection.

Visiting the three spacious halls of the museum, you can see with your own eyes the rarest ancient exhibits from America, France, Germany and, various cities of Russia. One of the main merits of the museum can rightfully be considered a large and painstaking work on the restoration of many musical devices brought in here. Each exhibit was acquired during concert tours and stored in the Leningrad apartment.

In addition to rare gramophones and phonographs, the museum is replete with various records, starting from 1917. It contains rare accessories for gramophones, popular in those years, and even a real barrel organ. Most of the exhibits in the collection really got a chance at a “second life”, thanks to the attentive attitude and professionalism of the restorers. Each musical instrument in the museum collection is decorated with ancient paintings, various engravings, stained-glass windows, and unique mesh painted inserts. All this is really credited as real art works, and the interesting stories of the guide help you navigate in a huge exhibition. Before the end of the tour, guests are welcome to visit the final hall of the museum, which meets them with a large table full of delicious tea and sweets.

The Museum of Gramophones and Phonographs takes 3rd place among other similar museums in the world. The atmosphere of this institution is so distinctive and “domesticated” that you would definitely like to spend a great cultural, eventful day in this place.