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  • The sixth lesson was held as part of the online gusli course

The sixth lesson was held as part of the online gusli course

The online course on the helmet-shaped and wing-shaped gusli continues. For many participants it became a discovery that it is possible to play simultaneously in several rhythms, both in accompaniment and in melody. On Saturday, April 18, the repertoire was replenished with two more tunes corresponding to the northwestern tradition of the Pskov region: Skobar and Brokeback. It was on them that the elected technique of the playing was tested, which allows the use of sixteenth beats. We talked about the balance of the right and left hands, about the sequence in which they interact in a harmonious and melodic play. In addition, we examined two new methods of playing the helmet-shaped gusli: arpeggio and melismata.

If at the Saturday webinar we plunged into the music of the Northwest, then in the next lesson we will touch on the tradition of the southern regions. We are waiting for you at the next webinar on April 20 at 15:00 Moscow time.