On May 21, 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, the Groshev Museum of Wooden Architecture in Meshchera will host the opening ceremony of the jubilee tourist season celebrating the 25th anniversary of the museum and the wood carving workshop. The celebrations will take place at Lunkino village, Spas-Klepiki.
The event will offer workshops, performances by creative collectives, a souvenirs and handicrafts trade show, thematic tours of the museum, entertainment and a quest through the K.G.Paustovsky maze, horseback riding, trampolines, a summer cafe and photo zones. The entrance to the museum will be free of charge during the holiday.
On that day, a free bus will run from Spas-Klepiki. Check the schedule on the museum’s website and official social media accounts.
Contact numbers: +7 (965) 711-10-74, +7 (910) 624-11-74 or MUSEUM-RESBA@YANDEX.RU
The Groshev Museum of Wooden Architecture in Meshchera is a member of the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia.
Museum address: Ryazan region, Klepikovsky district, Lunkino village, 34
E-mail: museum-resba@yandex.ru

The opening day of the summer season at the Groshev Museum of Wooden Architecture The opening day of the summer season at the Groshev Museum of Wooden Architecture The opening day of the summer season at the Groshev Museum of Wooden Architecture The opening day of the summer season at the Groshev Museum of Wooden Architecture