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  • The fourth online lesson was held by the Museum of Russian Gusli and Chinese Guqin

The fourth online lesson was held by the Museum of Russian Gusli and Chinese Guqin

At the latest lesson of the online course on playing the gusli, we continued to study the basic tunes of Russian traditional music: “Russian”, “Podgornaya” and “Kamarinsky” and got acquainted with the options for their performance. Along with this, we mastered two new techniques of playing with the right hand on the wing-shaped gusli. The study of technique is associated with the introduction of new rhythms to complicate and decorate the tune. Previous lessons were based on the binary system of harmony – tonic and dominant. Today we examined the ternary system, adding a subdominant and complicating the harmonious structure of tunes. This will further expand the repertoire. We are waiting for you at the next webinar on April 16 at 15:00 Moscow time.