The history of the Museum goes back to late 1990s – early 2000s, when the collection of locally produced electronics was started. The extensive collection of Soviet radio equipment, which the Museum has today, began in 2005 with the equipment that was brought to the repair shop but was no longer needed by its former owners. Over the years the collection grew to over 3,000 pieces of rare equipment.
Since 2013, the Museum regularly holds presentations and exhibitions in Sestroretsk and the Kurortny district of St.Petersburg, attracting many visitors, as well as the attention of the press and television.
In 2016, a large exhibition of the Museum in the Sestroretsk Art Resort was visited by about a thousand people in a single month.
It is impossible not to mention that the Museum took part in such major events as the 2016 Biblio Night, the 2016 Retro-Fortuna Festival, and held joint projects with the Razliv Museum Complex.
Today, the Museum brings together people who care about the national history, are passionate about preserving cultural heritage and share the love for domestic technology. The technology that evokes nostalgia, as well as pride for the people who created it, who wrote the history of our common Homeland – the USSR.
The museum, which does not exist de jure, de facto plays a significant role in the cultural life of the Kurortny district. The proof of that is a large number of residents of St.Petersburg- Leningrad who have visited the museum’s exhibitions and events in recent years (the exhibition in the Sestroretsk Art Resort alone was visited by a thousand people in a month) and media attention including print media, radio and television (various TV companies news stories covering the museum’s events are published in the Videos section in our VK group).
But the main thing, of course, is the people who visit our exhibitions, leave dozens of reviews and thanks, and keep saying the kind words we need to hear: “You are doing the right thing, comrades”!
Museum of Soviet Radio Engineering of the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg (until 2020) / Museum of the History of Radio Engineering of the USSR (MHRE USSR) (since 2020) Museum of Soviet Radio Engineering of the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg (until 2020) / Museum of the History of Radio Engineering of the USSR (MHRE USSR) (since 2020) Museum of Soviet Radio Engineering of the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg (until 2020) / Museum of the History of Radio Engineering of the USSR (MHRE USSR) (since 2020) Museum of Soviet Radio Engineering of the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg (until 2020) / Museum of the History of Radio Engineering of the USSR (MHRE USSR) (since 2020) Museum of Soviet Radio Engineering of the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg (until 2020) / Museum of the History of Radio Engineering of the USSR (MHRE USSR) (since 2020) Museum of Soviet Radio Engineering of the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg (until 2020) / Museum of the History of Radio Engineering of the USSR (MHRE USSR) (since 2020)