My dear friends, colleagues, fellow travellers!
The exhibition “Arctic Antarctica” ended on 10 April 2023 in Moscow, in the Russian-German House.
I thank the staff of this House for the true desire to show the pictures for a long time. For the organisation of meetings. There were many warm words of interest in the paintings. The House constantly organises meetings, lectures and workshops surrounded by paintings. Thank you!
But here is a new turn in my life as an artist! An invitation from the Historical and Art Museum of Dolgoprudny. At this exhibition will be paintings – the result of 20 years of work in the Arctic and Antarctic, but also new paintings and sketches, written in 2022 in the expedition along the Northern Sea Route from Roshydromet. All are painted from aboard the Mikhail Somov.
The route from Savelovsky railway station to Dolgoprudny takes 30 min.
I will be glad to see you at the opening on 16 April 2023 in Dolgoprudny, in the museum.
Lilia Slavinskaya.
The House of artist Liliya Slavinskaya is a member of the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia.
Address: Tutaev, left bank, Pokrovskaya Square, ul. 30
Tel. + 7 (916) 242-01-69