In early September 2020, a series of meetings with freshmen was held in the framework of the “Immersion” project at the “Packaging Technologies and Design” Research, Education and Exhibition Center at the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin. In total, about a hundred students got acquainted with the work of the Center and the exposition of the branch of the unique Packaging History & Design Museum (organized by the magazine “Packaging & Packing Materials”), which is located in the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin.
The excursion was conducted by the director of the Center, an expert of the National Confederation of Packaging Industry Workers Viktor Kukharsky. He presented the guests the rich history, interesting present and highly promising future of the packaging industry in Russia.
The students will remember the meeting for a long time. The information learned by students at the branch of the Packaging History Museum will help them in choosing a direction of education, preparing future course projects and definitely in choosing a future profession.
About the Packaging Museum
The Packaging History and Design Museum ( was created by the “Packaging & Packing Materials” magazine in 1999 and until the end of 2010 was located in the very center of Moscow, in the Polytechnic Museum.
The purpose of the creation of this museum is to support the packaging industry, which is new to the Russian economy, increase the level of education and awareness in the field of production and circulation of packaging products.
The branch of the Packaging History and Design Museum was created with the assistance of the “Packaging & Packing Materials” magazine in 2017 within the framework of the “Packaging Technologies and Design” Scientific, Educational and Exhibition Center at the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin.