Tales of the Kokvitskaya Mountain (Museum of Cutting Boards)

Komi Republic

Contact information

The Komi Republic, Ust-Vymsky district, Ezholty village, Building 81

Phone: +7 (904) 233-56-10

E-mail: ftrkomi@yandex.ru


Operating hours

Tue. – Sun.: 10:00-17:00, Mon.: closed

Ticket price

Adults – 300 rubles, children (14 and under) – free entrance.

Ticket price includes a guided tour of the museum and a fairy tale trail, as well as a samovar herbal tea party.

Group booking for up to 10 people.

The founder, owner and director of the museum

Gennady Evgenyevich Markovsky



About museum

A magical cutting board, with the year “1913” carved on it, was found in an old Komi house. This cutting board has its own story and its own tale. When people started to cut food on this board, the food soaked up all the happiness that had been shared on it. That’s how the cutting board suggested what to do with the house.

Today, there are more than 150 boards in the collection, coming from the Komi Republic and other regions of Russia, as well as from near and distant foreign countries. Each cutting board has its own story.